2783 Martin Rd.
Dublin, OH 43017
9891 Montgomery, Rd.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
2324 Stanley Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45404
Local Technicians equal Great Service!!
Vodavi Starplus STS
This manual provides the information necessary
to program, install, operate and maintain
the i&in&z DigitaI Key Telephone System.
The Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) has established rules which a&w the
direct connection of the injir&eDigital Key Telephone
System to the telephone network. Certain
actions must be undertaken or understood
before the connection of customer provided
equipment is completed.
A. TdephoneCompanyNotifkatfon
Before cm.neciing the ir3finfte Digital Key
Telephone System to the telephone network,
the local serving telephone company
must be given advance notice of intention
to use customer provided equipment and
prwided with the following information:
l The telephone numbers to be connected
to the system.
l The Ringer Equivalence Number also Iocated
on the KSU: 1.9
. The Universal System Ordering Code
(USOC) jack required for direct interconnection
with the telephone network
w2 1x
DVX’ FCC Re@tration Number8:
– For systems comigured as a key system:
lbutton appearances)
– For systems cor@ured as a Hybrid system:
(dial access codes)
DLPHKG-65 153~ME-E
DVX = FCC RcgietrafAon Numbers:
– For systems configured as a key system:
(button appearances)
– For systems configured as a Hybrid systern:
(dial access codes) *
DLPHKG65101-MF-E Vodavi Starplus STS 616 FLEX
B. Incidence of warm
If the telephone company determines that
the customer provided equipment is faulty
and p~~~l%ly causing harm or interruption
to the telephone network, ft should be disconnected
until repairs can be made. If this
is not done, the telephone company may
temporarily disconnect service.
c. Changce ill service
The loczil telephone company may make
changes in its communications facilities or
procedures. If these changes should affect
the use of the ~I.I. DigitaI Key Telephone
System or compatibility with the network.
the telephone company must give written
notice to the user to &xv uninterrupted
semice. Vodavi 616 FLEX
D. MaintcnanctLimitatio~s
Maintenance on the infinUe Digital Key
Telephone System is to be performed only
by the manufacturer or its authorized
agent. The user may not make any changes
and/or repairs except as specifically noted
in this msnuaI. Ifunauthorized alterations
or repairs are made, any remaining warranty
may be voided. Vodavi 616 FLEX
E. Notice of Compliance
The intite Digital Key Telephone System
complies with rules regarding radiation
and radio frequency emissions by Class A
computing devices. In accordance with
FCC Standard 15 [SubpartJ). the following
information must he suppled to the end
user: Vodavi Starplus 616 FLEX
This equipment generates and uses
RF energy and if not tnstalled and
used in accordance wftb the Instruction
Manual, may cause interference
to Radio Communications. It has been
tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class A computing device,
PursuanttoSubpartJofFart Eofthe
FCC Rules. which are designed toprovide
reasonable protection against
such interference, when operated in a
commercial environment. Operation
of this equipment in a residential area
is likely to cause interference, fn which
case the user, at his own expense, will
Issue 1, January 1993 100-I
infinite DVX ’ and DV2L’
Digital Key Telephone Spstems
be required to take whatever measures
may be required to correct the interference.”
F. Hearing Aid cOmpat?bility
AI1 infinrte Digital Terminals are Bearing
Aid Compatible, as defined in Section
68.316 of Part 68 FCC Rules and Regulations.
G. OPX Circutt
The in&&e Digital Key Telephone System
may be equipped with Single Line Adapters
(OF%) modules which provide a 48V FCC
registered 2500~type single line off-premise
extension interface port.
l Each OPX port when used to support an
off-premise extension requires an
OL13C network circuit.
0 An FCC registered interface such as a
RJl lC/W is also required to connect to
the public network Vodavi 616 FLEX
l Department of CommLmieations [DOC}
CerHGcation Number: 526 2933 A
l Load Number: 20
l Standard Connector: CA1 lA/CA2 lA
l Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
File Number: I357228
A. Notice
The Canadian Department of Communications*
label identifies certified equipment.
This certification means that the equipment
meets certain tdec0rnmunic2tions
network protective, operational and safety
requirements. This Department does not
guarantee the equipment will operate to
– the user’s satisfaction.
Before instalhg this equipment, users
should ensure that it is permissible to be
connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications
company. The equipment Vodavi 616 FLEX
must also be installed using an acceptable
method of connection. In some cases, the
company’s inside wiring associated with
single he individual service may be extended
by means of a certified connector Vodavi 616 FLEX
assembly (telephone extension cord]. The
customer should be aware that compliance
with the above condition may not prevent
degradation of service in some situations.
Repairs to certified equipment should be
made by an authorized Canadian maintenance
facility designated by the supplier.
Any repairs or alterations made by the user
to this equipment. or equipment ma&metions.
may give the telecommunications
company cause to request the user to disconnect
the equipment.
Users should ensure for their own protection
that the electrical ground connections
of the power utility, telephone lines and
internal metallic water pipe system, if present,
are connected together. ‘Ihis precaution
may be particularly important in rural
Users should not attempt to make
such connections themselves, but
should contact the appropriate Alecirk
inspectton authority. or electrician,
as appropriate.
B. Explanation of ‘Load Number
The Load Number (LN) assigned to each
terminal device denotes the percentage of
the total load to be connected to a telephone
loop which is used by the dwice to
prevent overloadmg. The termination on a
loop may eons&t of any combination of
devices subject only to the requirement
that the total of the load numbers of all the
devices does not exceed 100. Vodavi 616 FLEX
c. hwntenancc XAmitatiolla
Maintenance on the infinite Digital Key
Telephone System is to be performed only
by the manufacturer or its authorized
agent. The user may not make any changes
and/or repairs except as specif?cally noted
in this manual. If unauthorized alterations
or repairs are made, any remaining warranty
may be voided.
D. Notice of Compllarlce Vodavi 616 FLEX
The infintte Digital Key Telephone system
complies with Class A or Class B limits of
the Canadian Radio Interference Regulations.
ln accordance with FCC Standard 15
(Subpart J). the following information
must be supplied to the end usen
100-Z Issue 1, Januar
Legacy Business Telephone Systems: Vodavi Starplus 616 FLEX
Do you have a legacy telephone system and are looking for a new vendor? We are ready to serve!!! Our seasoned Technicians work on Vertical, Comdial, Nortel, Vodavi, Toshiba, AT&T, Avaya, Lucent, Panasonic, NEC and many others.
Vodavi Starplus GK-616 FLEX System
Supports 6 Lines and 16 Stations
Adds Additional Enhanced Features (Including Display Telephone Capability)
The FLEX Version Allows for Flexible Button Assignment
These items have been refurbished
Refurbished items have been cleaned, tested, and confirmed to be fully functional
These items may have minor blemishes on their housings which cannot be removed during the refurbishing process
Vodavi Starplus 1224 EX KSU - Grade A
Vodavi Starplus 1224 EX KSU - Grade A
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Vodavi Starplus SP61612-00 Black Enhanced Key Phone
Vodavi Starplus SP61612-00 Black Enhanced Key Phone
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Vodavi Starplus SP61612-60 Burgundy Enhanced Key Phone
Vodavi Starplus SP61612-60 Burgundy Enhanced Key Phone
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ITWLinx MCO4x4 Single Line Protection Module SurgeGate
ITWLinx MCO4x4 Single Line Protection Module SurgeGate
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Vodavi Starplus 1224 EX KSU – Grade A
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Vodavi Starplus SP61612-00 Black Enhanced Key Phone
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Vodavi Starplus SP61612-60 Burgundy Enhanced Key Phone
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ITWLinx MCO4x4 Single Line Protection Module SurgeGate
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Vodavi 616 FLEX